Getting Engaged: The Most Romantic Spots To Propose In Paris (Or Get Proposed To In Paris)

If you are dreaming about how you want to get proposed to in Paris, well we have some ideas that you can pass on to your partner to make that dream a reality.
The Most Romantic Place To Propose In Paris
1) Paris Seen from Above: If you are not afraid of heights, then you will adore the overlook of the City of Love at Sunset. The rooftop bar at the Terrasse Hotel in Montmartre gives you a panoramic view of Paris and its famous rooftops from both inside and outside.
2) The “I Love You” wall: Why not take a stroll to Jehan Rictus des Abbesses Square, where the “I Love You” Wall, features some of the most beautiful lines of love in over 300 dialects and languages?

3) The Seine: If you want to feel the soothing Parisian breeze grazing your skin as you say yes to your partner, then we advise you to go on a boat cruise on The Seine. Not only will you have a relaxing romantic evening for two, but you will also be treated to a delicious French meal. Also, you get to see Paris’s main monuments such as the Eiffel Tower and the Alexander III bridge.
4)The Louvre Pyramid: Does your significant other consider the stroke of a brush on a canvass calming? Then this is the perfect place to propose. It is one of the significant places in Paris and it is known to gather art lovers from far and wide.
5)The Medici Fountain in the Luxembourg Gardens: A beautiful, tranquil and secluded area. You can agree with me; these sorts of places are difficult to find in Paris during the high season. But the serenity that comes with the environment makes it an enthralling place to propose, don’t you think?
Direct Your Partner Who Will Propose To The Rest Below
Ultimate Guide To Proposing: How To Propose In Paris And What You Should Consider
Finally, you have found the one for you and now you want to pop the question. You have chosen to do it in the most romantic place on Earth, Paris. But now you are wondering, how will I go about it? Well, we are here to give you some pointers.
You obviously cannot propose without an engagement ring. But you can’t just choose any engagement ring. You must know her style. Would she like a diamond? Or would she go for something simple? Then, you must know exactly what her size is. You don’t want the engagement ring to be falling off her fingers?

Most people can say the most romantic things in an impromptu way, but if you are not among them, we advise that you plan a proposal speech. To make your speech memorable, you should talk about the things you love most about her. It could be the way she smiles, and how kind and caring she is. But something that truly defines her. We also advise you to memorize your speech and keep it short.
Such a beautiful moment deserves to be captured. We recommend that you hire a professional proposal photographer to capture every detail of the moment so that you can re-live it with your partner when you are both old.
Paris is a beautiful tourist site and as such, it attracts a lot of tourists. It is advisable to hold your engagement during the early morning hours to avoid crowds.
Most people love to propose in front of their family and friends and some like to keep it private, it all depends on your preference but one thing is for sure, you must dress accordingly.
If you wish to propose in front of your family and friends, ensure that your clothing does not become a distraction. We don’t want people focusing and talking about your look more than the proposal itself. We advise that you play with some warm colors and we encourage you to wear what you feel more comfortable and confident in. The proposal can already be nerve wrecking; so we don’t need to add more complex situations to make you nervous.
If you wish for it to be a private proposal, then your choice of style will depend on the location of the proposal and how you want it to look in the photo album. We suggest formal attire if it is at a high-class place like The Eiffel Tower, a semi-formal attire if it is a beach setting, and casual wear if you really don’t want her to have a clue about what is going to happen. Whatever and where ever, be yourself. These pictures and memories are for life.
Planning the perfect proposal can be very exhausting especially when they are lots of ideas on the internet. But that’s why we are here. In order for your partner to absolutely say ‘yes’, it is advisable to propose to her according to her nature. If she is a quiet person, you should plan a private and quiet proposal. You could use a rooftop, a private restaurant or even a home. If she is an outgoing type, you can have a fireworks display or you could hire a flash mob.
Christmas Proposal Idea
If you want it to be unexpected, which we believe is what every girl wants, you could propose to her during Christmas tree shopping. Preselect a tree and have the store owner add an ornament that reads “will you marry me?” in it. She will never see it coming.
Or do you plan on causing a few laughs and giggles when you propose? It will definitely cost, but hey! This is a one-time thing. You can hire a band to sing comedic songs to her and as she is laughing her lungs out, you get on one knee and pop the question, she will never see it coming.
It will be very painful if you don’t have pictures that capture the moments. We advise hiring a professional photographer to capture the proposal from when she is coming to meet you to when you get down on one knee, her smiles as she says ‘yes’ and everything in-between
Again we must stress that after the proposal, it is paramount that you don’t let the feeling die so quickly. Take her out to eat, go on a stroll with her but just ensure that the both of you spend quality time together, it will make the day more memorable for her.
Paris proposal ideas for a memorable engagement
Yes, we know that you want your engagement to be perfect and that’s why we think it best to give you these amazing proposal ideas in Paris.
What to do before the proposal
You’re ready to ask the big question, congratulations! From high school sweethearts to that lucky meet at college, no matter how you got here. Here are a few things you should definitely consider before popping the big question:
Are you on the same page? The unexpected proposal is wonderful but the idea of being married shouldn’t be a surprise. Find out how your partner feels about it before you pop the big question.
Talk to the parents; A little old-fashioned, we know. But you should really do it. Having a good relationship with your future fiancé’s parents is always lovely.
Buy the ring; This is a crucial part. You have to be really careful to get her exactly what she likes. Ask her closest friends, pay attention to what jewelry she already wears or you can Snoop around her Pinterest boards, just don’t get caught and ruin the surprise.
Rehearse; Don’t freak out. Yes! Emotions will be running high, but if you prepare enough, you can handle it.
Plan on what you will do after she says yes; You could take her out for a nice romantic dinner or a fabulous Paris photoshoot while the emotions are at a precious high. But please, refrain from taking her home immediately. If she is a single mother, you could bring her kids to the proposal site. It will mean a lot to her since her children mean the world to her.
Have a photographer ready; If you don’t opt for one, you can always use your phone camera, but having a photographer will help you get all the optimal angles, cause trust me, you’ll want them.
Popping the question; Collect your thoughts. This is the biggest moment, soak it in and pop the question. Give your “will you marry me” speech before bringing out the engagement ring and we know that it may feel like an eternity but try to not get up from your knees unless she comes to pick you up.
What To Do After The Proposal?
She said “yes!”, So what’s next? You may be wondering after the initial shock has worn off (OMG you’re actually going to get married!). After probably shouting that you’re engaged from the rooftops, you should;
Take a sweet picture; Capture the moment. If you don’t have any camera crew or anyone to take your pictures, then snap on me quickly on your phone.
Call your family and friends; You should let the most important people in your life know before making that big announcement on social media.
Celebrate with wine; Because…. why not? You’re engaged!
Take a picture of the Ring; You’re going to want to get every glistering, sparkling detail to show all your friends and family
Get the ring insured; Although it seems unimaginable that you would lose sight of your new ring. Still, get it insured in case it’s ever lost, stolen, or damaged.
Breathe and celebrate; While it is tempting to jump right into the wedding plans after you get engaged, we advise you to take at least the weekend to fully celebrate your engagement.
What Season Should You Propose?
The best season to propose in Paris is the Spring season, this season will allow you to have a nice and fresh breeze, weather that isn’t actually very hot in France but warm and sunny. Match it with the smell of flowers and trees and clear white clouds for your best wedding photos.
Summer – If you want bright and sunny engagement photos, think summer! The whole city is joyful and full of life; you will definitely not forget the French sun.
Autumn – Do you want those beautiful oranges, red and yellowy leaves to be surrounded by during your wedding? Then autumn is the season for you. It will definitely put a lovely hue on your wedding photos.
Winter – Although, Paris can never if it will snow or not during the winter season. But either way, if you fancy the season, Paris will maintain its charm the whole round, so go for it. Your love will keep you warm and your surprise proposal will be unexpected.
Paris Marriage Proposal At Night
Yes, it is true what they say. Night time proposal is more romantic than the daytime. As much as sunsets are a beautiful time to get engaged but the lights, air, and let’s not forget the calmness that comes with the night is woo-worthy.
Paris Rooftop Proposal
Some of the best rooftop proposals happen at Terrasse Hotel and it is a lovely place to propose. You get the whole view of the city which is just breathtaking.
Best Restaurants To Propose In Paris Restaurant
1) Anne – Place Des Vosges: If your partner is a lover of books or the garden view, then she will absolutely adore this place. It has a library on the inside and a lovely garden on the outside.
Located at: 28 Place des Vosges, 75003 Paris

2) Epicure Restaurant: If you want your significant other to taste the essence of real food, then this is the restaurant to go to. Their menu is so rich and their services could only be compared to that of royalties.
Located at: 112 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris
3) Guy Savoy restaurant: In general, this restaurant screams of class. The natural light that comes into it from the windows illuminates the restaurant’s elegant dining setting and its magnificent artwork.
Located at: Monnaie de Paris, 11 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris
4) L’Abeille: The L’Abeille restaurant creates a romantic atmosphere with its soothing music and respectful staff. All these combined together with their nostalgic decorations will help make your night dreamy and memorable.

Located at: 10 Avenue d’Iéna, 75116 Paris
5) Le Train Bleu: While transporting you to an artistry time in France, the Le Train Bleu will give you an outstanding experience that will be long-lasting in the minds of you and your partner.
Located at: Place Louis-Armand, 75012 Paris
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