That IT Girl Confidence Quotes: Inspiring Words For Self-Empowerment

That IT Girl Confidence Quotes

Let’s discuss cultivating a voice within that whispers (or roars!) affirmations of self-worth and empowers you to conquer every single day.

That’s where these “IT Girl” confidence quotes come in – little nuggets of wisdom from phenomenal women who have walked the path before us. These aren’t your average, overused quotes you see plastered everywhere online. These are the words to keep on your nightstand, to post on your vision board, to whisper to yourself in the mirror before you take on the world. Let’s look into the vault, shall we?

1. “The most common thing I hear from women is ‘I’m not confident.’ I don’t believe this. It’s a learned behavior. And what is learned can be unlearned.” – Michelle Obama

Honey, this quote from the former First Lady is a powerful reminder that confidence isn’t something you’re born with, it’s a skill you can cultivate. If Michelle Obama can learn it, so can you! This quote is a call to action – to challenge those limiting beliefs and unlock the confident woman you know you are deep down.

Empowerment Chant: “Confidence is a muscle, and I’m ready to work it! I will unlearn self-doubt and embrace the power within.”

2. “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.” – Maya Angelou

Here’s the reality, darling: life throws curveballs. But Maya Angelou’s wisdom reminds us that we have the power to navigate those storms. This quote is a call to embrace your courage, your resilience, and your ability to weather any challenge that comes your way.

Empowerment Chant: “I am the captain of my own ship. I will navigate life’s storms with courage and grace. My strength is my compass, and my confidence is my sail.”

3. “She who overcomes her fears will truly learn to fly.” – Althea Gibson

Althea Gibson, the pioneering tennis champion, knew a thing or two about breaking barriers and conquering fears. This quote is a powerful reminder that true growth lies on the other side of fear. Embrace the challenges that scare you, for it’s within those moments that you discover your true strength and soar to new heights.

Empowerment Chant: “Fear may whisper, but my confidence roars. I will push past my comfort zone and discover the wings I never knew I had.”

4. “There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise.” – Angela Bassett

Honey, let this quote from the iconic actress be your daily reminder of your inherent power. You are a force to be reckoned with, a woman on a mission. This quote is a call to action – to set ambitious goals, to chase your dreams with relentless determination, and to rise above any obstacles in your path.

Empowerment Chant: “My determination is a fire that burns bright. I will rise above limitations and achieve everything I set my mind to. My journey is unstoppable.”

5. “Confidence isn’t ‘they will like me.’ Confidence is ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t.'” – Christina Aguilera

Honey, stop seeking validation from others. This quote from the pop superstar reminds you that confidence comes from within. Embrace your authentic self, your unique quirks, and your passions. You are worthy of love and respect, regardless of what others think.

Empowerment Chant: “My worth is not defined by external validation. I am enough, exactly as I am. My confidence shines brighter than anyone else’s opinion.”

6. “Done is better than perfect.” – Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg, the powerhouse COO of Facebook, reminds us that striving for perfection can be paralyzing. This quote is a call to embrace action, to take risks, and to learn from your mistakes. Don’t let the fear of imperfection hold you back. Get out there, darling, and make your mark on the world!

Empowerment Chant: “Progress, not perfection, is my mantra. I will celebrate every step forward, learn from setbacks, and keep moving towards my goals.”

7. “You are the universe in human experience. Own it.” – Cheryl Strayed

This quote from the bestselling author of “Wild” is a powerful reminder of your limitless potential. You are a unique constellation of experiences, emotions, and strengths. This quote is a call to embrace all of you – the light and the darkness, the triumphs and the stumbles. Own your story, darling, and let your inner light shine through.

Empowerment Chant: “I am a force of nature, a universe of possibilities. I embrace my journey, my flaws, and my strengths. I own my magnificence, and the world will feel the radiant power of my being.”

8. “A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman.” – Melinda Gates

Honey, don’t be afraid to use your voice! This quote from the philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft reminds us of the power of speaking our truth. Share your ideas, advocate for yourself and others, and let your voice be a beacon of inspiration.

Empowerment Chant: “My voice is a powerful instrument. I will use it to speak up, to inspire change, and to create a world that reflects my values.”

9. “Doubt is a killer. You just have to keep moving.” – Sheryl Sandberg

Here’s a dose of real talk from Sheryl Sandberg again, darling. Self-doubt is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to define you. This quote is a call to action – to silence the inner critic, to push past uncertainty, and to keep moving towards your goals.

Empowerment Chant: “Doubt may whisper, but I will roar. I will silence my fears and take action. My determination will pave the way to success.”

10. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

Honey, this final quote from the iconic Helen Keller reminds us that true confidence comes from connecting with your inner world. Embrace your emotions, your intuition, and your passions. When you connect with your heart’s desires, your confidence will radiate from within.

Empowerment Chant: “I connect with my heart’s wisdom. I trust my intuition and embrace my emotions. My inner light shines brighter than any external validation.”

Remember, darling, these “IT Girl” confidence quotes are just starting points. Repeat them, write them down, and most importantly, embody them! Embrace your journey, cultivate your inner strength, and let your confidence radiate from within. You are a force of nature, a beautiful masterpiece in progress, and the world awaits the brilliance you’re about to unleash.

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